HazMat Exam Prep 5th Ed. Audit Quiz

Question 1 of 50

In the US, who regulates pipelines carrying hazardous materials at the federal level?
  Department of Energy
  Environmental Protection Agency
  Department of Transportation
  Interstate Commerce Commission

Question 2 of 50

The EPA legislation regarding environmental protection is found in Title _____ of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).

Question 3 of 50

Which Mexican agency is responsible for hazmat transportation safety?
  Ministry of Environmental Protection
  Ministry of Land Transportation Safety
  Ministry of Interstate Commerce
  Ministry of Communications and Transportation

Question 4 of 50

Which unit of Canadian government is responsible for dangerous goods transportation safety?
  Transboundary Movement Division
  Canadian National Energy Board
  Transport Canada
  Environment Canada

Question 5 of 50

In Canada, which of these agencies is responsible for managing risks to public health and the environment from toxic substances?
  Transport Canada
  Canadian National Energy Board
  Canadian Material Safety Commission
  Environment Canada

Question 6 of 50

In Canada, which agency is responsible for the regulation of hazardous waste transport?
  Transboundary Movement Division
  Canadian National Energy Board
  Transport Canada
  Environment Canada

Question 7 of 50

In Canada, who regulates pipelines transporting chemicals?
  Canadian National Energy Board
  Transport Canada
  Transboundary Movement Division
  Environment Canada

Question 8 of 50

The majority of hazmat transportation incidents occur in which mode of transport?

Question 9 of 50

One of the substances most commonly involved in hazmat incidents is __________.
  Anhydrous ammonia
  Nitrogen oxide
  Sulfur dioxide

Question 10 of 50

All of the following items are required information on a Globally Harmonized System (GHS) safety data sheet (SDS) EXCEPT ONE. CHOOSE THE EXCEPTION.
  Handling and storage
  Accidental release measures
  UN registry number
  Ecological information

Question 11 of 50

For which situation is the Emergency Response Guide (ERG) best suited?
  Spills in fixed facilities
  Accidents involving any mode of hazmat transport
  Releases in urban areas
  Highway and railroad transportation incidents

Question 12 of 50

Which information does the ERG provide to hazmat responders?
  Mitigation and recovery procedures
  Protective actions to take in the initial response phase
  Detailed information on material properties
  Decontamination and environmental remediation procedures

Question 13 of 50

Which is the primary benefit of an active Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC)?
  An all-hazard, multi-disciplined approach to large-scale incidents
  Access to federal funding for clean-up of abandoned toxic dump sites
  Incorporation of federal assets in the initial response
  Collaboration between private and public sectors in preparing for hazmat incidents

Question 14 of 50

Which hazmat response electronic resource provides a wide range of information such as product identification, characteristics of chemicals and compounds, health hazards, and containment advice?
  Hazmat Toolkit
  ERG (digital version)

Question 15 of 50

Olfactory fatigue results in __________.
  Confusion and disorientation
  Slurred speech
  Difficulty swallowing
  Inability to detect odors

Question 16 of 50

When is it appropriate to rely on senses to detect the presence of a hazardous material?
  The quantity involved is small
  The material is one that can be detected by odor or sight
  The specific material has been identified
  It is never appropriate

Question 17 of 50

Which is a sign that a material is undergoing a physical action?
  Wavy vapors visible over a volatile liquid
  Bubbling or spattering of unheated liquids
  Self-ignition or smoking of material
  Unexpected deterioration of equipment

Question 18 of 50

Which is a sign that a material is undergoing a chemical reaction?
  Venting from pressure-relief valve
  Extraordinary fire conditions
  Frost forming on leaky valve
  Change from a solid to a liquid or a liquid to a gas

Question 19 of 50

Which is a function of an isolation perimeter?
  Mark the transition from the warm zone into the hot zone
  Prevent spread of material from inside the perimeter to outside the perimeter
  Prevent access by unauthorized persons into the emergency scene
  Mark the transition from the cold zone into the warm zone

Question 20 of 50

Which rescue tactic is most appropriate for Awareness level personnel at a terrorist incident?
  Controlling the source of the contamination
  Decontamination of victims
  Directing victims to move to a safe area
  Removal of the victims from the contaminated area

Question 21 of 50

Which effect of an explosion is the most destructive?
  Seismic effect
  Shrapnel fragmentation
  Thermal pulse effect
  Blast pressure wave

Question 22 of 50

Which is the best description of the behavior of a material that reaches the self-accelerating decomposition temperature?
  It will boil
  It will produce a strong base
  It will undergo a violent chemical reaction
  It will readily ignite if provided with an outside ignition source

Question 23 of 50

Which characterizes an isotope?
  A nucleon
  Prolonged half-life
  Non-ionizing radiation
  An unusual number of neutrons

Question 24 of 50

Which is the term for the strength of a radioactive source?
  Ionization rate
  Effective dose

Question 25 of 50

What is an "ORM"?
  Oxidizing or Reducing Material
  Oxidizer or Reactive Material
  Other Regulated Material
  Ordnance, Registered Military

Question 26 of 50

What is an "MOT"?
  Material Of Trade
  Miscellaneous Other Toxic
  Mode Of Transmission
  Material, Other Toxic

Question 27 of 50

Where in the ERG can you find national emergency response center contact information?
  Outside back cover
  At the beginning of the green-bordered section
  White sections in front and back of book
  At the beginning of each section

Question 28 of 50

Which is the Canadian hazmat emergency response center?

Question 29 of 50

Which is one of the primary Mexican hazmat response assistance centers?

Question 30 of 50

Which type of radioactive material container is built to the most stringent standards?

Question 31 of 50

Which is the primary purpose of a pipeline pig?
  Detect a leak
  Relieve excessive pressure
  Separate different products within the same pipe
  Act as a mobile flow control valve

Question 32 of 50

The hazard level on a pipeline marker is indicated by __________.
  Signal word

Question 33 of 50

Which is the maximum liquid capacity of an intermediate bulk container?
  265 gallons (1000 L)
  528 gallons (2000 L)
  793 gallons (3000 L)
  1056 gallons (4000 L)

Question 34 of 50

A bulk sack or bag is an example of a(n) __________.
  Flexible intermediate bulk container
  Intermodal soft container
  Unit loading device
  Bulk containers

Question 35 of 50

Which is an intermediate bulk container?

Question 36 of 50

A 55 gallon (208 L) drum of petroleum is classified as __________.
  Intermediate bulk

Question 37 of 50

Which item is the most common content of a carboy?
  Corrosive liquid
  Flammable or combustible gas

Question 38 of 50

Which does a Dewar flask most commonly contain?
  Liquefied gas
  Flammable or combustible liquid

Question 39 of 50

Which is an example of an action option?
  Leak control/containment
  Secondary search
  Spill control/confinement

Question 40 of 50

Which statement about emergency decontamination is the most correct?
  Its use should be reserved for personnel experiencing symptoms of exposure
  Is an accelerated trip through the decon corridor
  It may be necessary for either victims or rescuers
  It is the first stage of a formal decon process

Question 41 of 50

At a terrorist/criminal incident, special emphasis needs to be placed on _________.
  Modified operational tactics
  Broad application of strategic priorities
  Manageable span of control
  Preservation of evidence

Question 42 of 50

Which type of evidence should be deposited at an evidence collection point?
  Transient physical evidence
  Any evidence that has been moved from its original location
  All potential evidence
  Evidence gathered during doffing/decon

Question 43 of 50

Which is an indicator of the need to withdraw?
  Container relief device activation
  Heat illness among technician personnel
  Lack of progress over the course of one operational period
  Appearance of delayed symptoms among exposed members of the public

Question 44 of 50

The goal of __________ is returning the affected area to a safe condition.
  On-scene recovery

Question 45 of 50

Which action occurs during the recovery phase of a hazmat incident?
  Analysis of the material for environmental impact
  Compilation the after-action analysis
  Environmental remediation and cleanup
  Confinement of contaminated material to the smallest area possible

Question 46 of 50

Which phase of a hazmat incident includes critique and analysis?

Question 47 of 50

Which statement best summarizes the goal of a postincident analysis (PIA)?
  Identify behavior that contributed to an accident or injury
  Review the event with all on-scene responders prior to demobilization
  Evaluate operational data and make recommendations for improvements
  Establish proximate cause of the incident

Question 48 of 50

Which statement about a postincident critique is most correct?
  It is a written, detailed account of the actions taken and their outcomes
  It is a formal, written report
  It forms the basis of the postincident analysis (PIA)
  It is required by OSHA

Question 49 of 50

A postincident analysis (PIA) typically occurs within _____ of the incident.
  One week
  One month
  Two weeks
  72 hours

Question 50 of 50

Which action should be taken first when dealing with a radiological incident?
  Prepare for decontamination of victims
  Cover the material with appropriate shielding
  Establish and enforce scene control zones
  Contain the material