EMR Tutor Audit Quiz

Question 1 of 10

The bevel of a nasopharyngeal should be inserted ___________.
  Only after lubing with petroleum jelly
  Away from the septum
  To the base of the carina
  Toward the septum

Question 2 of 10

You arrive on scene to find a 35 year old man lying prone in the bathroom. He is not alert and you log roll him with c-spine stabilization into a supine position. Your next course of action would be?
  Check pulse and apply AED
  Manually open the airway
  Give him a sternal rub to check for consciousness

Question 3 of 10

Which of the following would be a sign that CPR may not be necessary?
  The patient is unconscious
  No pulse or respirations
  Core cyanosis
  Stiff neck and jaw

Question 4 of 10

The following are signs of potentially life threatening respiratory problems in adults. Which is the most ominous sign?
  Audible stridor
  Altered mental status
  1 or 2 word dyspnea

Question 5 of 10

Nasal flaring is a sign of what?
  Respiratory distress in children
  Anger in intoxicated patients
  Clogged nasal passages

Question 6 of 10

The Adam's apple is also known as?
  The cricoid cartilage
  The vallecula
  The thyroid cartilage
  The mastoid cartilage

Question 7 of 10

Anatomically, a child's airway is just like a little adult's, EXCEPT?
  The tongue is larger in proportion to their body and the cricoid cartilage is smaller
  The tongue is larger in proportion to their body and their uvula is not developed yet
  The tongue is smaller and the adenoids are not present
  The vallecula is not developed yet

Question 8 of 10

Why would inserting a suction catheter into the mouth with the suction active be incorrect?
  It depletes the patient's oxygen supply
  You were not taught to do it that way
  Big chunks are often at the top and will clog the suction before you get deep enough
  You may cause the patient to aspirate the contents of the mouth

Question 9 of 10

Which set contains parts of the lower airway only?
  Nose, alveoli, bronchi, and diaphragm
  Trachea, alveoli, bronchi, and bronchioles
  Mouth, epiglottis, trachea, and bronchi
  Pharynx, larynx, lungs, and diaphragm

Question 10 of 10

Your patient is the victim of a moderate speed MVA. The patient is unconscious and not breathing. You attempt to open their airway with a jaw thrust maneuver and are unsuccessful. What should you do next?
  Put in an OPA and prepare to suction
  Use the jaw thrust maneuver again
  Use the head tilt chin lift maneuver
  Move the patient to a supine position and again attempt to open their airway with the jaw thrust maneuver